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Why Are Employee Wellness Initiatives Important? [Infographic]

“As onelisa gibson of the founders of Gibson Hollyhomes Lisa Gibson has seen how attitudes towards employee wellness have changed across the industry. Potential employees are placing more and more importance on employee wellness programs when weighing up new opportunities. Find out more about how employee wellness can help your recruiting efforts by speaking to Lisa or a member the Gibson Hollyhomes team”



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One of the number one factors that effects employees’ productivity in the workplace is their wellbeing. A healthy employee, is a happy employee; and a happy employee is a productive one!

  • What are businesses hoping to achieve with wellness programs?
  • 90% want to improve the health and wellbeing of employees
  • 51% want to enhance workforce productivity
  • 40% want to improve teamwork and morale

If your employees’ jobs involve them spending long hours sat behind a desk, then it could begin to wreak havoc with their health.

Promoting regular breaks away from desks for exercise can…. 

  • improve concentration and focus
  • develop a sharper memory
  • boost creativity
  • prolong mental stamina

Employee Perception of Wellness programs

Employees who participate in wellness programs perceive themselves as

  • healthier
  • more productive
  • more positive

And are more likely to stay with their employer and refer someone to their company

79% of employee wellbeing participants are extremely satisfied with their wellness program

Of those that don’t participate 69% said they simply weren’t aware their workplace had a wellness program

Why not introduce…

  • Standing desks
  • Onsite Exercise classes
  • Cycle to work schemes
  • Free healthy snacks
  • Walking meetings

We strongly believe in the unique culture and nature of each company. Our main reason for establishing Gibson Hollyhomes is because we believe recruitment has moved away from a tailored service into a mass “one approach fits all”. Through our vast experience, we deliver a professional and consistent service to clients and candidates alike.

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How Employee Wellbeing Programs Can Benefit Your Business