More job adverts are posted during August to October than any other time of the year. Whilst this means plenty more potential job opportunities, it also means an increase in potential candidates too. If you want to succeed during this recruitment period read our tips below to help you stand out from the crowd.
Do Your Research
Make sure you know everything you can about your interviewers. You want them to see that you have made the effort to understand how they work. If you understand what is important to the company, then you may be able to find commonalities. This research will ensure you are better prepared to answer their questions and will position yourself as the best candidate.
Make Your Application Stand Out
The job advert will tell you exactly how to apply for the role but, hundreds of other people will be applying in the exact same way. Before your CV becomes lost in the inbox of a generic email account, research other ways to contact the employer. Use LinkedIn or the company’s website and social media to figure out who exactly the person responsible for hiring you is and make a great first impression.
Make Your CV Memorable
Your CV is the first judgement any employer will make of you. It is unique to you, your skills, and your experiences so you need to make it stand out. Find your unique selling point, something that sets you apart from everybody else, but make sure it is relevant to the role. It could be extracurricular activities, something you’ve previously created like a blog or website, or even volunteer work.
Tailor Yourself
Make sure you know the needs of the company and tailor your skills to suit them. Again, you will need to research this and spend time on the company’s website and social media, to see what their goals are for the future. An employer is going to want someone to help them achieve these goals, so come up with examples based on your experience and skills, that will help them get there.
Be Confident in Yourself
One of the first questions you receive from the interviewer will be to tell them about yourself. This is the perfect opportunity to set the bar high and put yourself out there. You need to have the confidence in yourself to have a well-crafted narrative that speaks about your strengths, experiences and interests. An employer is going to want somebody who believes in themselves and believes in the business.
Recruitment periods can be stressful for both potential candidates and employers so make sure you are fully prepared in all aspects in order to showcase your true potential. The competition may be tough but with the tips above you will be on the road to success. Contact us today to discover plenty of potential job roles.